Liver Disease is the one chronic disorder that's increasing in frequency with a steady rise in deaths each year.

Professor Roger Williams CBE

Sally’s Story

Sally's StorySally was first diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis in March 1987, when she was just 22 years old.

“I had been very fit and healthy and lived a completely normal and active life. I attended an outdoor management development course at the end of 1986 and when I got home, I became very ill. Over the next three months my health quickly deteriorated and I was admitted to hospital where I went into a coma. Eventually I was rushed to London where my devastated parents were told I had approximately twelve hours to live.

The doctors never gave up hope and my details were entered on the urgent transplant register. Miraculously, and against all odds, a donor organ became available and I underwent an emergency liver transplant in March 1987.

Unaware of just how ill I had been, my doctors and family carefully explained that I had received a new liver. Initially, I was shocked about what had happened to me and what the future would be like. Very quickly I accepted the circumstances of my transplant and within twelve weeks I was home.

I made a full recovery and although I still have to take anti-rejection drugs and will do so for the rest of my life, without my transplant I certainly would have died all those years ago. Thanks to my transplant  not only have I had a brilliant career but, much more importantly, I have been here to be a part of my family’s life. I met and married my husband John and I have seen my two beautiful nieces born and grow up. Twenty-five years have flown by but I’ve loved every minute.  I am determined to live a normal, happy and healthy life for as long as possible.

I am so grateful to my doctors, to the surgeons who carried out the transplant and to the family of the donor who gave me this second chance. But I know that behind all this medical skill and care were years of research that turned a theory into a treatment for someone like me. I will be forever grateful to all those people who made my liver transplant both a possibility and a success.”

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One In Ten

1 in 10 people will experience problems with their liver at some point in their life. Help us FIGHT liver disease.
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