Liver Disease is the one chronic disorder that's increasing in frequency with a steady rise in deaths each year.

Professor Roger Williams CBE

How to Make a Donation

 Liver UCL

Your Donation can Help Save People’s lives

Research funded by the Foundation has resulted in better treatments for chronic hepatitis, liver cancer and cirrhosis. The research being carried out at the Institute of Hepatology represents the Foundation’s continuing commitment to research into liver disease but it is expensive and we need your help. It costs the Foundation £3,596 a day to run the Institute.  This year we need to raise £750,000 through donations to keep our scientists at work.

There are many ways to donate:

Donations can also be sent by cheque/postal order payable to the Foundation for Liver Research and care of:

Natalie Day, Chief Executive
The Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology
111 Coldharbour Lane

London SE5 9NT

Tel: 020 7255 9830/32


Or see below for how to make a donation online.

Increase the value of your donation

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme introduced by the Inland Revenue, which allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. That’s an extra 25p for every £1 you give. This is at absolutely no extra cost to you. Simply print and sign the Gift Aid form to let us know that you are a UK taxpayer and that you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

For example:

  • If you give £10
  • The taxman will add £2.50
  • Giving a total of £12.50

Make a donation in memory of a loved one or friend

If you would like to remember someone close to you by making a donation in their memory, please give us details and we will record this on our database. A donation to charity is a valuable and positive way to celebrate the life of a loved one, whilst helping the Foundation for Liver Research make a difference for the future. Your gift will enable our research scientists to continue their vital work looking for new ways to diagnose and treat liver disease.

How to donate online.

Please click the link to be directed to the online donations facility  via Charity Choice.

Leaving a legacy

Writing a Will is a positive way to protect your family after your death and to make things a little easier for them as they tackle the process of dealing with your estate. It is a lot easier than you might expect and for some guidance on the process please download a copy of our Guide to Wills and Legacies. You can also choose to do something to help protect their future and that of others by leaving a gift in your Will to the Foundation for Liver Research. With your help we can bring better treatments to those affected by liver disease and improve diagnosis and treatment.

We would always advise that anyone considering making or updating a Will should seek independent advice from a practising solicitor or bank trust company.

The Foundation runs on donations. Every little helps us continue our work.

Donate now

One In Ten

1 in 10 people will experience problems with their liver at some point in their life. Help us FIGHT liver disease.
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