Liver Disease is the one chronic disorder that's increasing in frequency with a steady rise in deaths each year.

Professor Roger Williams CBE

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a donation in your Will will help the Foundation in it’s mission to support research into liver disease. Please consider making a donation in this way.

If you would like to leave us a legacy please consider letting us know.  We can then provide you with any information you might need and, if you would like, we can keep you in touch with developments at the Institute. Please either write to Natalie Day, Head of Administration, Foundation for Liver Research, 111 Coldharbour Lane, London, SE5 9NT or email:


Types of legacy

Residuary bequest:

A gift of the remainder of the estate after all other bequests have been made and debts cleared is called a residuary bequest.

Pecuniary bequest:

A gift of a fixed sum of money in your Will is called a pecuniary bequest. The value of pecuniary legacies will decrease over time, as the cost of living increases.

Specific bequest:

A particular named item left as a gift in your Will is known as a specific bequest – for example, a piece of jewellery.

Contingent bequest:

A gift in your Will that depends upon the occurrence of an event which may or may not happen is known legally as a contingent bequest. An example is a bequest to a charity which applies only if other beneficiaries named in the Will die before the testator (person who made the Will).

The Foundation runs on donations. Every little helps us continue our work.

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One In Ten

1 in 10 people will experience problems with their liver at some point in their life. Help us FIGHT liver disease.
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